Crewe Heritage Centre


Crewe Heritage Trust places great importance on the safety of its visitors and endeavours to ensure that its high standards are met by all persons visiting the Attraction. Please assist us in ensuring our Attraction and its facilities remain a safe place in which to enjoy all experiences. 

In these terms and conditions of entry (“Entry Conditions”), the following definitions shall apply: 

Attraction: The Crewe Heritage Centre or any part of it.

Crewe Heritage Trust/ ‘Crewe Heritage Centre’/’Us’/’We’/’Our’: Crewe Heritage Trust (Company No. 02700697) registered in England and Wales, whose registered office address is at Crewe Heritage Centre, Vernon Way, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 2DB.

Ticket: A valid ticket allowing the holder entry to the Attraction, visitors are admitted to the Attraction subject to the following Entry Conditions. By purchasing or using a Ticket, guests agree to comply with these Entry Conditions. 

Any person who does not comply with these Entry Conditions may be removed from the Attraction by Crewe Heritage Centre personnel, security or police officers, without any right to a refund. This is without prejudice to any claim that we may have against such a person or arising out of their actions. Whilst inside the Attraction, all guests must comply with any reasonable instructions given to them by Crewe Heritage Centre personnel or any third party instructed on our behalf. Acting reasonably, Crewe Heritage Centre reserves the right to vary these Entry Conditions at any time without prior notice.

By entering the Attraction, visitors accept that they have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure their own safety, taking into account any personal medical conditions. All persons in and around the Attraction should behave in a safe manner at all times.

Safeguarding Adults At Risk and Children Policy: Crewe Heritage Centre offers educational based experiences which attract children and young people. We are committed to creating an environment which ensures all children can enjoy themselves in a safe and secure environment that prevents children being at risk from any form of harm or abuse. 

General: For health and safety reasons (due to the topographical features of the Attraction), vehicles that assist with a persons accessibility requirements are the only transport device permitted within the Attraction.  For the avoidance of doubt, bicycles, hover-boards, roller-blades or similar devices are not permitted within the Attraction.

Our commitment to provide a service: Crewe Heritage Centre will endeavour to ensure that as many attractions as possible are available for use by visitors to the Attraction. However, we reserve the right, without prior notice, to close and change the programme of attractions and/or the Attraction's operating hours. Crewe Heritage Centre in its absolute discretion reserves the right to close the whole or any part of the Attraction at any time or to restrict the number of persons having access to the Attraction. The reason for any closure or restriction provided by this condition may include technical or operational reasons, capacity, inclement weather, special events or to ensure the safety and security of visitors.

Our right to remove you: Crewe Heritage Centre, acting reasonably at all times, reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse admission to the Attraction, ban from entry to the Attraction, or remove from the Attraction without any right to a refund, any person whose presence or behaviour may affect the enjoyment and/or safety of other visitor or team member, or who:

  1. Has been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the Crewe Heritage Centre, or civil unrest at trust property/attractions, uses violent, aggressive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or insulting words or behaviour or in any way behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace;

  2. Climbs or stands upon fences, barriers, walls, safety fences, exhibits or any other buildings at the Attraction, enters or attempts to enter any part of the Attraction which is a restricted or prohibited area as determined by the Crewe Heritage Centre including workshops and changing rooms.

  3. Has displayed any sign or visible representation of any kind which is, or could be reasonably judged to be, threatening, abusive or insulting;

  4. Has previously acted in any manner which has caused any person to report that individual to us;

  5. Is attempting to gain admission to the Attraction without a valid Ticket, or has been found inside the Attraction without a valid Ticket;

If any visitor in breach of any of these conditions of entry is a member of a group, then such group of individuals may also, at Crewe Heritage Trust’s discretion, be denied entry or escorted from the Attraction without any right to a refund. Crewe Heritage Trust reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings or prosecute any person found damaging or defacing any part of the grounds, fences, barriers, walls, exhibits, fabrics or buildings at the Attraction. At Crewe Heritage Trust’s discretion, future access to the Attraction may be denied to any visitor who has previously been denied entry or escorted from the Attraction.

Tickets/admissions: All persons entering the Attraction must pay for admission or hold a valid ticket which has been obtained from Crewe Heritage Trust, the Attraction, the Attraction’s website or a third party authorised by Crewe Heritage Trust to sell Tickets. The sale of tickets/vouchers by anyone other than Crewe Heritage Trust is strictly prohibited. Only persons authorised by us are permitted to sell or offer for sale any items to visitors within the Attraction grounds. All tickets are non-transferable, not for resale and will become automatically void on any transfer for value.

Tickets purchased are only valid on the date printed on the ticket. Please check the Heritage Centres operating calendar for opening times and dates. Tickets may not be valid for special events which may attract a separate admission fee. Tickets will only be exchanged or refunded if Crewe Heritage Trust, in its absolute discretion, chooses to do so. For the avoidance of any doubt, pre-booked Tickets are non-refundable in the event that admission is refused or relinquished for any reason referred to in these Entry Conditions. Non-dated Tickets booked in advance do not guarantee admission to the Attraction, especially during busy times or on specific days when there are special events.

If Tickets are bought on behalf of other guests, the buyer accepts these Entry Conditions on behalf of every visitor and shall ensure that these Entry Conditions are complied with by each person in the group. If re-entry into the Attraction is required, an appropriate Ticket must be obtained, before exiting the Attraction which must be shown at the time of re-entry to regain access. Tickets must be retained at all times and submitted for inspection if required by Crewe Heritage Trust. 

No person under the age of 16 will be admitted to the Attraction unless they are accompanied by an adult aged 18 years or over and such child or children whilst on site must remain under the control or supervision of an adult at all times. Crewe Heritage Trust reserves the right, in its absolute discretion to change the age restrictions referred to in this condition, if any particular circumstances so require in the interests of safety and security.

Visitor behaviour: Unnecessary noise or any behaviour likely to cause annoyance to other guests or confusion of any kind is not permitted in any part of the Attraction. Smoking (including of e-cigarettes) is strictly prohibited other than in the designated smoking areas identified by signage. All attractions and facilities located at the Heritage Centre must only be used in accordance with the relevant operator's instructions.

Dress & appearance: Visitors must wear appropriate clothing (including a top and shoes) at all times whilst at the Attraction. If visitors are wearing clothing that is indecent or likely to cause offence in any way, they will be refused entry or removed from the Attraction without a refund.

Parking: Vehicles are parked at the owners’ risk. We take no responsibility for damage caused to any vehicle using the car park and no guarantee is given as to the security of visitor’s vehicles in the car park or any contents. No vehicles are permitted to remain in the Attraction outside the Attraction’s normal operating hours without the prior express permission of the Crewe Heritage Trust. The Attraction retains absolute discretion as to whether such permission is granted. Motor homes, camper vans, caravans or any other vehicle of a similar nature are not permitted anywhere within the Attraction unless express prior permission has been given by a senior member of the council of management.

Security and Safety: To prevent offensive weapons or dangerous articles from being brought into the Attraction, guests are admitted to the Attraction subject to the condition that, if requested to do so, they will allow themselves and/or their belongings to be searched.  It is prohibited to bring into the Attraction any weapons, fireworks, smoke bombs, glass bottles or other articles which may cause injury. The throwing of any article which could cause injury or affect the enjoyment of other guests is strictly prohibited.  Any person found to be in possession of an article deemed to be offensive or dangerous will be immediately escorted from the Attraction without any right to a refund and Crewe Heritage Trust reserves the right to make reports to the relevant authorities which may lead to prosecution. The consumption of intoxicating liquor is permitted only in authorised places within the Attraction. Accordingly, intoxicating liquor may not be taken into the Attraction except with the express permission of Crewe Heritage Trust and any persons found possessing alcohol, or who appear to be under the influence of alcohol may be refused admission to the Attraction or escorted from the Attraction without any right to a refund.  The use of illegal substances and/or legal highs (including, but not limited to, laughing gas) are strictly prohibited and any persons found possessing, using or who appear to be under the influence of illegal substances and/or legal highs will be refused admission or escorted from the Attraction without any right to a refund.

CCTV: We operate close circuit television cameras to assist in the proper running of the Attraction. However, we do not make any representation as to the extent of coverage provided by the cameras. All items, belongings and other property brought into the Attraction by visitors are at their own risk and we accept no liability for any loss or damage to such property. As such, we recommend that visitors do not bring valuables to the Attraction. 

Photography: Unless it is expressly prohibited, you are permitted to take photographs and recordings within the Attraction provided that these are solely for private use and are not sold or used for any commercial or public purpose. By accepting these Entry Conditions, you acknowledge that Crewe Heritage Trust may on demand have access to photographs taken and video footage captured by you and request that certain photographs and/or footage are deleted if they are deemed to be offensive to or infringe the privacy of other visitors and/or our team members. By accepting these Entry Conditions, you agree not to intentionally photograph and/or capture video footage of any individual without that person’s permission and you must adhere to all photography/filming restrictions in place from time to time whilst within the Attraction. From time to time Crewe Heritage Trust or other authorised parties carry out photography and/or video recording in the Attraction, which may feature guests. Entry to the Attraction is deemed acceptance of these Entry Conditions, and you therefore agree that Crewe Heritage Trust or any authorised party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever. You further agree that copyright in these materials rests with Crewe Heritage Trust or such authorised party (as the case may be).

Crewe Heritage Trust’s Liability: We accept no responsibility for any loss and/or damage suffered by visitors as a result of the visitor's failure to comply with these Entry Conditions or any event outside Crewe Heritage Trust’s control (including any distress, inconvenience, anxiety or loss of enjoyment arising from the evacuation of the Attraction). This does not affect any guest's statutory rights or any liability of Crewe Heritage Trust which cannot be excluded by law.