
Become a Member today

The journey of the Crewe Heritage Centre began back in 1987, during the vibrant Crewe Heritage Festival. It was a collaborative effort between the Crewe & Nantwich Borough Council and British Rail, resulting in the birth of this remarkable museum. On a memorable day, 24th July 1987, the museum was officially inaugurated by none other than HRH Queen Elizabeth II herself.

Our members are the true heartbeat of the Heritage Centre, as they play a vital role in preserving the rich history of Crewe. Without their unwavering support, we wouldn't be able to keep the legacy of this town alive.

By joining the Heritage Centre as a member, you not only gain access to our award-winning museum at a discounted price but also receive our exclusive magazine, 'The Eagle.' Moreover, you'll have the privilege of attending member-only events.

Please note: Memberships are processed at the end of every month, please expect to receive your welcome pack or renewal following the month end.

Membership Prices 2024 Season : Adult - £12.00 Family - £17.00 Senior - £7.00 Life - £100.00

Membership Benefits

As a member of the Crewe Heritage Centre family, you will;

  • Be part of preserving Crewe’s Heritage for future generations.

  • Receive our bi-annual Newsletter ‘The Eagle’ and keep up to date with what is happening around the Museum.

  • Visit the Museum at a discounted rate and enjoy the facilities offered throughout the season.